The Ally Fund

  • Money that is earmarked to provide free/reduced cost services for folks who can't afford them, or to close gaps in insurance coverage - think of it as a way to "pay it forward."

  • The short answer is: anything! 

    Here are some examples:

    • An fifth postpartum visit for a client with Medicaid (Medicaid only pays for four postpartum visits)

    • Part of a client's expenses if they don't have Medicaid but cannot afford doula services

    • Purchasing equipment not covered by insurance such as beast pumps. 

    • Attendance at a group class

    • Gender doula services, which are generally not covered by insurance

  • Send me an email! If there's not enough money available in the fund, I will be honest about my capacity to take on clients and we will figure something out.

  • Payments made through Venmo or Cash App with the note "Ally Fund" will be earmarked as a contribution.